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Tips for Sharing Google Calendars

< 1 minute read

Here are some of our favorite tips for sharing Google Calendars. As with most things in Google Apps, the ability to share an asset externally or publicly is a powerful feature, but should be exercised with caution.

However, if you have an events calendar, making that public and embedding it on your website can be great, as you can make updates in Google Calendar and instantly reflect them on your website.

To share your calendar

  1. From your calendar, click on the gear icon and select Settings.
  2. Select the Calendars tab. In the My Calendars section, choose the calendar you want to share .
  3. Click on the Share this calendar tab.
  4. Customize exactly how you want to share this calendar.
  5. Select save.
  • You can opt to make your calendar public, as well as share it with your entire organization.
  • You can also specify the details of your calendar to be made available.
  • You can share your calendars with specific people, as well as manage the details available to them.

To embed a calendar

  1. Return to the calendar settings page and select the calendar you want to embed.
  2. Click on the Calendar Details tab and scroll down to the option labeled Embed this Calendar.
  3. To embed the calendar on your web page, all you have to do is copy and paste this text into any HTML page on your website.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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