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Turn Your Emails in Outlook into a To-Do List with the Wunderlist Add-in

< 1 minute read

Outlook Blue

The Wunderlist add-in for Outlook is a great way to stay organized. Wunderlist is a to-do list app that allows you to keep track of everything you need to do.

  • In Outlook, head to the Add-in store (the shopping bag icon at the top of the screen) and search for Wunderlist. Toggle the slider to “On” to install it.
  • Let’s say you get an email asking you to do something, and you’d like to add it to your Wunderlist so you can remember to do it. Click the Wunderlist icon at the top of your Outlook window. When you click on it, you can immediately add the email to your Wunderlist.
  • If you don’t have a Wunderlist account, here’s your chance to sign up for a free account. If you do have an account, click on the Sign In link.
  • If you want to set a reminder for the task, you can click the “Remind me” link at the top of your list.
  • One of the key features of Wunderlist is the ability to create different kinds of list to keep your various to-do lists organized. By default, the list is set to Inbox, but you can create a new list right from the add-in. Just click the dropdown menu > Create New List > and then name it. Then your task will be added to your new list, which can help you stay more organized.
  • From there, just click on the big red “Add to Wunderlist” button and your email will be added to your list.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.



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