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These Two Buttons in Google Drive Will Help Keep You Organized

2 minute read

Google Drive Yellow

We’ve all been down a rabbit hole when searching for files in our Drive. To help locate files more quickly, Google has relocated two buttons in Drive to help you organize your files and avoid spending time searching for a document.

These buttons will appear when you are in Shared with me, Recent, Starred, or looking at Search results in Drive. When you select a document in one of these views, the below bar will appear at the top of your Drive page.

add to drive button

For example, if you are in the Shared with me page, the documents in this folder may not all be stored on your Drive. To fix this, Google has introduced the Add to Drive button
. Click this button to add the document to your Drive and move around to a folder where you can easily find it.

Speaking of moving a document, a second button that has been added to the top bar of Drive is Move to. If you have selected a file and it is already stored in your Drive, then this button will appear. Additionally, if you’ve recently clicked the Add to Drive button, the Add to Drive button then converts to the Move to button, as demonstrated in the above video.

These two buttons will be available in the top bar of Google Drive in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out for the Add to Drive button in top bar of the Drive homepage, as well as in the top bar of the preview window.

You can find the Move to button in the bar at the top of Drive homepage, or it may also be located under the “…” button, as highlighted below.

For more details on these features click here and watch the video above.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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