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How to Open Email (Mailto) Links in Gmail

< 1 minute read

Gmail Green

In Chrome, you can activate a protocol handler so that clicking on a hyperlinked email address opens a Gmail compose window automatically with the email address already populated. You can also enable a handler so when you click on events, they are opened in your Calendar.

Making your Gmail and Calendar your handlers will make for just one click when sending an email or adding an event to your Calendar.

If you haven’t already made your Gmail account your default mailto handler:

  1. Open Gmail in Chrome.
  2. Click on the protocol handler icon in the address bar/omnibox (it looks like double diamonds and is next to the star).
  3. Select ‘Use Gmail.’

You can do the same thing for your Google Calendar:

  1. Open Google Calendar in Chrome.
  2. Click on the protocol handler icon and select ‘Use Google Calendar.’

To change or remove your handlers:

  1. Click on the Chrome menu on the toolbar and select ‘Settings.’
  2. Scroll down and click on ‘Show advanced settings.’
  3. Find the ‘Privacy’ section and click ‘Content settings.’
  4. In the “Handlers” section, select ‘Manage handlers.’
  5. From the drop-down menu select the web service you want to be used as your default.

*Note: These directions are for Chrome.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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