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Get a Personalized News Feed in Every New Chrome Tab

2 minute read

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If you’re a news junkie, Newsprompt is a great Chrome extension that provides a personalized news feed every time you open a new tab in Chrome.

Newsprompt scans over 1,000 top websites in real time, collects all the top news stories, and displays them all on one page. It also recommends news and stories based on your browsing history and topics that you’re interested in.

  • Head over to the Chrome Web Store and search for Newsprompt. Click the +Add to Chrome button to install it.
  • Once it’s installed, you’ll notice the icon for Newsprompt appearing up in the toolbar.



  • Now when you open up a new tab, you can see the Newsprompt extension at work. Here, you can see a list of up-to-date new stories that are tagged with various labels, such as “highly read” or “highly shared” stories.



  • You can also search for news that you’re interested in from the search bar. One of the best things about Newsprompt is that it’s so much less cluttered than most news sites. There are no ads or extraneous menus–just links directly to the stories at hand.
  • You can look at trending topics, but you can also click on “Top News” to read the latest news in a variety of categories, like US news, technology, business, world, and more.
  • You can also click on the hamburger menu icon (the three lines) in the upper left-hand corner to get access to some more options. From here, you can navigate to a specific category that you’re interested in, like business or entertainment.



  • For example, you can click on “Sports” and get the latest sports news in your feed. To view any of the stories, hover your mouse over the picture and click the green “Read” button to be taken to the story. If you’re interested in a topic but have already read a given story, you can click on the “More” icon to get more related stories.



Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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