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How to Add Reminders in Google Keep

< 1 minute read

Keep Blue

Google Keep is a great way to make short little notes that help keep track of everything going on in your busy life. The reminder feature helps ensure you’re not forgetting anything important. Here’s how to add reminders to your Google Keep notes and lists.

  1. In Google Keep, make a new note.
  2. Click on the “Remind me” icon (the finger with a string around it).
  3. You have the option to choose from some preset times that Google offers as standard reminder intervals, like later today, tomorrow, or next week. You can also enter in your own date and time.
  4. Click “Save.”

Keep also has a mobile feature that allows you to set reminders based on locations. You can click on “Pick place” and choose a place where you want that reminder to be triggered. You can set these reminders on your desktop computer, but they won’t trigger unless you’re on a mobile device, so that Keep can tell when you’ve reached the location.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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