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Ask the Gooru Luncheon Learn with General Assembly


October 19, 2012

2 minute read

General Google Apps Green

Ask the Gooru This week, we highlighted our site Ask the Gooru, which has brought thousands of new and experienced Google Apps users daily video tutorials, ensuring they’re getting the most out of the platform.

To educate Google Apps and Gmail users further, Ask the Gooru will be hosting a luncheon learn with General Assembly this Monday, October 22 at 12:30 PM ET. If you’re interested in attending the event, please visit the event page to register.

Luncheon Learn: Master your User of Gmail, Google Drive & other Google Products

Monday, October 22nd from 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Taylor Gould, Director of Marketing, BetterCloud

Nearly everyone has made the move to Gmail for personal use and more than 5 million businesses are now using Google Apps. You probably spend hours inside Google products, but do you think you really know everything there is to know about using Gmail, Google Drive, and other Google products? You’re likely missing out on new features, helpful hacks and cool tricks that can add efficiency to your work and personal life.

Spend 60 minutes learning new shortcuts and useful tips that in turn will save you 30-60 minutes every day in Google Apps and Gmail. Plus, you’ll become a trusted Google Apps and Gmail expert for your company, friends and family.

At BetterCloud, we’ve been using Google Apps since the beginning, so we probably have at least a few helpful tips, even for you Google Apps veterans out there.

Student Takeaways:

  • Leave with a clean Gmail inbox, and keep it that way
  • No more stress over losing your computer or any documents stored on it (everything is stored in Google’s cloud)
  • Become a trusted expert in your company, or even just with family and friends (nearly everyone’s using Google products in one way or another)
  • Get tips on promoting your company or organization through Google+, Google’s new social network that has more than 100 million monthly-active-users
  • Ask the Gooru t-shirt
  • Full belly (the Gooru will bring pizza for everyone who attends)

Level Pre-Requisites:
– A Google Apps account ( to sign up for free) is preferred, as roughly a third of the material is specific to Google Apps, although users of Gmail only are welcome to attend.

Required class materials / software:
Students will need a laptop and are advised to set up a Google Apps account ahead of time ( to sign up for free), although users of Gmail only are welcome to attend as well.

Taylor Gould is the Director of Marketing for BetterCloud, an NYC-based developer of management and security products that integrate with Google Apps. Taylor also runs the Google Apps help site
