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Introducing Third Party Apps Auditing


January 6, 2014

< 1 minute read

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Note: Apps Explorer is in private beta. If you’d like to gain early access, please email

Currently, end users are able to install applications and extensions of their choosing–from the Chrome store, Google Apps Marketplace, iTunes, and other sources–directly to their Google Apps account, without requesting permission from an administrator. By doing so, certain apps have authenticated access to your organization’s Drive, Gmail, and other Google Apps services, possibly gaining permission to email business contacts or view sensitive documents.

By using Apps Explorer, admins can now audit and manage which applications users have installed, the risk level of each application, and can then take action to approve or revoke the app after review.

What’s new:
View all applications installed by users on the domain
Filter by number of installs, app name, or permissions granted
Determine the level of domain access requested by each application
Approve or revoke authorization to certain apps through whitelisting and blacklisting
