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Randomize Answer Options for Google Forms

< 1 minute read

Google Forms Blue

This week the Google Drive team announced a great update to Google Forms, allowing you to randomize answer options for a number of different question types.

If you’ve been paying attention, Google has released a bunch of of updates to Forms in the past year, taking it from an extremely limited survey tool to a pretty comprehensive option. It still doesn’t serve all needs as of yet, but these recent changes are much appreciated.

Shuffle answer order

Randomizing the order of answers is great because it can remove some of the inherent bias that comes with a survey. Responders tend to choose the first option they are presented, so randomizing the order can help to get a more accurate depiction of how your survey takers feel.

If you want your survey takers to see answer options in a randomized order, simply click on the ‘Advanced settings’ link inside the question field and select ‘Shuffle option order’. Randomized answer options are available for the following question types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Check boxes
  • Choose from a list
  • Grid

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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