SaaSOps Show Episode 17: Strategic IT Roadmap Planning
May 26, 2021
< 1 minute read

The SaaSOps Show is back—and so is Justine, who was off doing something stupid (her words, not mine).
This week, Brian and Justine dive into the nitty-gritty of IT roadmap planning. Have you ever wondered what it’d be like for your boss to write down every single backlog item onto a Post-it note? That’s what Justine did for (or to) her team. The end result? A more strategic IT roadmap that’s in sync with BetterCloud’s growth plan.

If you enjoyed this episode, hit that Like button on YouTube. Loved what you saw? Go ahead and subscribe to the channel. And if you have any questions, please direct them to Dennis Irizarry, whom we did not need for this week’s show.