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SaaStr Podcast: BetterCloud’s CEO Talks Scalability, Radical Transparency, and Enterprise Cloud Adoption

We’re excited to share that BetterCloud Founder and CEO David Politis was recently on The Official SaaStr Podcast with host Harry Stebbings. He talks about what radical transparency really means, leading indicators of scale, the speed of SaaS adoption, and more.

< 1 min read
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The IT handbook to choosing the right SaaS app

Choosing a new SaaS tool means combing through lists of dozens (dozens!) of similar apps, and it can be hard to tell which is the right one for the job. As an IT admin there’s a lot more to consider than just “Does this get the job done?” when evaluating a new or replacement SaaS tool. Today’s IT organizations have to deal with an incredible number of applications to administer and secure, on top of our more traditional tasks. And yet, IT admins are still very much needed to help evaluate SaaS applications before purchase. So how do we do this? And more importantly, how do we make this a sustainable, scalable process?

Rose Layton
7 min read
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Modernizing IT with Cloud Native Patterns – Part 3

Chris Borte, director of information technology at InsideTrack, made it a priority to develop an IT infrastructure that would be impervious to ransomware. The answer? Cloud native architecture. In this final installment of our blog series on the advantages of going cloud native, he offers guidance for organizations that are ready to modernize their IT system and go cloud native. Here are his essential tips on how to get started.

Chris Borte
2 min read
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Modernizing IT with Cloud Native Patterns – Part 2

Yesterday we kicked off our 3-part blog series on cloud native architecture. We continue today with Part 2, which discusses additional advantages of going cloud native. This post dives into laptop management patterns, loose coupling, SSO as a default, self-service, and collaboration. Here’s what you need to know.

Chris Borte
4 min read
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Modernizing IT with Cloud Native Patterns – Part 1

How do you develop an IT infrastructure that’s impervious to ransomware? As InsideTrack’s director of information technology, Chris Borte had a solution: move InsideTrack to a cloud native architecture that not only secures the network but also enhances flexibility and productivity. In this 3-part series, he discusses the advantages of going cloud native and offers tips for organizations that are ready to modernize their IT system. Part 1 explores the term “cloud native” and zero trust network architecture.

Chris Borte
3 min read
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Here’s the Simplest Way for HR and IT to Establish Better Lines of Communication

Using a variety of automation technologies, SaaS management and security platforms, and improved HR information systems, companies are working to predict, manage, and adapt to organizational change as technology changes and employees come and go. And while these products are now near-necessities, one key ingredient is still at the heart of the seamless (and successful) management and flow of people through an organization: communication.

3 min read
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HR and IT: 3 Must-Have Tactics to Work and Adapt Faster

The modern workforce is a chaotic combination of full- and part-time employees, consultants, contractors, freelancers, permalancers, and many other contributors. Today, HR and IT teams are expected to deliver a great experience and easy access to SaaS apps, regardless of whether workers are in-office, remote, hybrid, or mobile and field employees. These tactics will help them succeed.

4 min read
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It’s Time to Fix HR and IT: Here’s What You Must Do to Get Budget and Buy-In

As many people know, the relationship between IT and HR is often strained. There is often a fundamental disconnect between these two business units. Communication tends to be poor and processes are ad hoc instead of systematic. If you’re reading this and nodding your head in agreement, then it’s time for a change. It’s time leadership gives the problem the attention it deserves.

5 min read
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Here's My Radical Candor About Radical Transparency

Transparency: Everyone wants it, but few companies actually do it right. From day one, our CEO David Politis set out to create radical transparency at BetterCloud. Now, five years later, he reflects on what he’s learned. Here’s what it takes to be truly radically transparent, along with the unexpected benefits and challenges that accompany it.

David Politis
7 min read
How to Implement New Technology

Technology Adoption Done Right: These Are the Lessons Implementation Experts Live By

Adopting new technology is far from simple. But when done right, new technology can lead to productivity gains and a distinct competitive advantage. What do technology adoption experts do to ensure success?

6 min read