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Wait for Approval

We’re excited to announce the release of a new feature for general availability: Wait for Approval

With the Wait for Approval action, you can build natural checkpoints in your automated workflows to ask an individual for approval before the workflow continues. 

The approver can easily approve or deny the workflow’s subsequent actions right from their email – they don’t even need access to BetterCloud.

Examples of use cases we heard from customers who requested this feature:

  • As part of my offboarding process, I want approval from the user’s manager before my workflow deletes a user 
  • As part of my onboarding process, I want approval from one of my admins before my automated workflow starts onboarding a user
  • As part of my content scanning policy, I want approval from the security team before changing anything about the asset exposed

This feature is available as an action in the Workflow Builder. For additional information on how to access this feature, visit the Help Center article here.