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SaaS Updates for May 10, 2016

BetterCloud Monitor

May 10, 2016

< 1 minute read

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Yesterday, Microsoft shared an Office 365 Education roadmap, giving subscribers insight into future updates. Google also introduced an improved search and filter experience within the Admin console.

The Office 365 Education Roadmap is Now Available – Microsoft is pleased to share the Office 365 Education Roadmap, which lists updates currently planned for applicable subscribers. Updates for the various stages—from in development to rolling out to customers, to being generally available for applicable customers worldwide—are easily accessible in the Office 365 Roadmap.

Improved Search and Filter Experience in Reports Section of Admin Console – Google has improved the search and filter experience in the Audit Reports section of the Admin console. Previously, when you typed a query in any one of the “Filters” fields in a particular report, we would automatically begin searching when your cursor left that field—an unexpected and often confusing experience. To make this workflow more intuitive, we’re adding a Search button below the filtering fields, which you’ll need to explicitly click to launch any search.
