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Better Together: The IT Guide to Aligning with HR for Great Employee Experiences

HR and IT are essential to the modern-day organization. IT delivers the technology that employees need to do their job. HR is front and center during every significant moment in an employee’s professional career. These departments are necessary to be successful at scale.


However, as many know, the relationship between IT and HR is frequently strained. There is often a fundamental disconnect between these two business units. Communication tends to be poor, and processes are ad hoc instead of systematic. But why? And more importantly, what’s the solution?


This whitepaper—co-produced by Namely and BetterCloud, two industry experts in the HR and IT fields, respectively—will provide answers to that question.

What's Inside:

  • Tactics for getting budget and executive buy-in to streamline common HR and IT operations
  • Tips on establishing better lines of communication between HR and IT
  • Actionable steps for handling evolving employee types and increasing demands
  • Best practices for solving the top four security threats posed by improper offboarding
  • A case study on how Fullscreen Media reinvented and streamlined HR and IT with BetterCloud and Namely

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