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BetterCloud continues to build out the capabilities of our leading SaaSOps platform, and this month we are excited to announce the following new integrations and enhancements:

  • Code42 action enabled integration
  • Lucidchart action enabled integration
  • Lessonly action enabled integration
  • LastPass actions enhancements
  • Workflow Templates enhancements
  • Microsoft 365 action enhancement


Code42 is a file backup and data security tool that monitors off-network file activity, including cloud sync applications (think Dropbox desktop client) and web uploads. Users can quickly detect, investigate, and respond to data exfiltration. It also provides insights into which users are most active in your file sharing platforms. The integration mainly focuses on user lifecycle management, but there are several actions for flagging employees that are departing or are high risk. Tagging them as such provides additional monitoring and reporting around their file activity within Code42.

The following BetterCloud actions enable user management within Code42:

  • Create User
  • Activate User
  • Invite User
  • Assign User to Role
  • Remove User From Role
  • Remove User From All Roles
  • Update User
  • Deactivate User
  • Reset Password
  • Block a User (This blocks a user from logging back into Code42)
  • Unblock a User
  • Add Cloud Username (Cloud Usernames are based on an email and are what enable users to log into Code42)
  • Remove Cloud Username

Code42 monitors data exfiltration across internet browsers, removable media (like a flash drive), deleted/archived files, and cloud services. 

These actions flag employees for additional file activity monitoring: 

  • Add Departing Employee
  • Add High Risk Employee
  • Remove Departing Employee
  • Remove High Risk Employee


LucidChart is a workspace for collaboratively diagramming and visualizing data, designs, or processes.

This integration focused on the following use cases:

User Lifecycle Management 
We talk about SaaS sprawl and the management challenges it presents every day. As employees join and move throughout a company, their SaaS entitlement needs change. This integration solves basic provisioning use cases and includes advanced actions for managing user status and licenses.

License Management
With SaaS sprawl comes the licensing cost associated with each application. Ensuring user licenses are revoked as needed when the user leaves the company or change roles will cut down on these unnecessary costs. However, if the users that need these licenses don’t get them, it could cost the company more in lost productivity. Assigning licenses as part of onboarding workflows ensures users automatically gain Lucidchart licenses when needed.

The full actions are as follows:

  • Create User
  • Update User
  • Disable User
  • Enable User
  • Assign License
  • Unassign License
  • Add Role
  • Remove Role
  • Delete User


This new integration aids in User Lifecycle Management by solving some of the basic provisioning actions such as creating and deleting users, but it also has several more advanced actions. For example, if someone new joins your Sales organization, you can now assign lessons and lesson paths as part of automated Workflows to ensure they get the training they need. 

The full list of actions are as follows:

  • Create User
  • Update User
  • Delete User
  • Archive User
  • Restore User
  • Add User to Group
  • Remove User from Group
  • Create Group
  • Delete Group
  • Add User to Lesson
  • Add User to Lesson Path

LastPass Enhancements

The following actions have been added to the existing LastPass integration:

  • Remove User from all Groups
  • Delete User
  • Remove User from Enterprise
  • Disable Multi Factor Authentication
  • Require Master Password Change
  • Send Password Reset Email
  • Destroy All Sessions

Workflow Template Enhancements

We’ve released the following Workflow Templates to help teams get started building automations faster: Manage Guest Users and Archive Empty Channels (Slack only). Archive Empty Channels is a common Workflow set up by our Expert Advisory Group to help maintain a clean environment.

Microsoft 365 Enhancement

For Microsoft 365, we added a Delete Additional Calendars action. This complements the series of actions released last month to further enhance your ability to automate user lifecycle management and protect sensitive data.