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With Salesforce + BetterCloud, you can secure user interactions across your multiple Salesforce organizations

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Monitor Suspicious User Activity

Identify suspicious user activity and enforce granular security controls. Track a variety of security events with precision such as a member of your help desk logging in as an executive, one user logging in as 5 different members of your instance within 30 minutes, or a user exporting a report with over 500 rows.

Secure Access to Your Salesforce Organization

Secure access to your privileged Salesforce accounts and data with contextual user login policies and role-based privileges. Monitor potential entry points with alerts for when a frozen user attempts to login, someone successfully logs in from a restricted IP address, when a user fails to login multiple times within a short window, and more.

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Protect Your Most Important Data

Prevent exfiltration of sensitive data caused by improper access to reports, exported reports, and impersonated logins. For example, a user exporting a report with over 150 rows multiple times within a short window may indicate that they are intending to leave the organization and take information with them. In BetterCloud, you can monitor this type of activity and create granular policies that automatically remediate the incident.

Efficiently Manage Multiple Salesforce Organizations

With BetterCloud’s centralized platform, IT teams save time and reduce human-error by removing the barrier of moving between Salesforce orgs to make administrative changes. Take one-off or bulk actions, such as adding or removing a user’s permission sets, updating profile information, or deactivating users in any connected org directly from BetterCloud.

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BetterCloud makes it easier, faster and less costly to build and maintain workflows with native support for more than 70 of the most popular SaaS solutions