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The 3 Best Training Sessions for Educators Using Google Apps

2 minute read

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If you haven’t attended one of our gCON conferences yet, this is what you are missing. We bring together the the top Google Apps experts several times a year to present in depth training sessions on every important aspect of the platform at our gCON online conferences.

Today I have put together three of our best EDU focused training sessions for all of you GAFE users to rewatch in their entirety.

Google Classroom, Automated Grading, even Chromebook Deployment, we have covered it all. These training sessions feature Google Certified Teachers who manage tens of thousands of students with the strategies they share here. Find a quiet corner of the teacher’s lounge and dive right in, you won’t regret it.

1. A Deep Dive Into Google Classroom

Presenter: Kevin Brookhouser, Google Certified Teacher, York School

YouTube video

Google set out to change the entire way that you manage your classroom and your workflows with radical simplicity. Come find out about one of the newest and most exciting innovations for Google Apps for Education–Google Classroom. You will be amazed by how much of your workflow can be transformed to digital through the use of this new tool.

This training session was originally presented at Google Apps Bootcamp

2. Automate The Grading Process With Flubaroo

Presenter: Kevin Brookhouser, Google Certified Teacher, York School

YouTube video

In this age of technology, no teacher should ever have to grade a multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank assessment again. Let your computer do that by building quizzes using Google forms and use the Add-on Flubaroo to grade the assessment. Students can take the quiz using their computer or mobile device. Then teachers can run Flubaroo to instantly grade the quizzes and distribute them to students automatically through email. The whole process is easy and fast.

This training session was originally presented at gCON 360

3. The Benefits Of Deploying Chromebooks

Presenter: David Malone, Google Apps for Education Deployment Architect in the San Francisco Unified School District

YouTube video

David Malone personally deployed nearly 4,000 Chromebooks to his students and teachers in less than 2 months. In this video he details the resistance he has met, the strategy he implemented, and the positives his domain has gained from this massive deployment. An encouraging and eye-opening watch for any educator who is looking to roll out Chromebooks to their student population.

This training session was originally presented at gCON Admin Day

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