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Paste a Google Spreadsheet into Gmail

< 1 minute read

There used to be severe limitations when copying content from one Google product and pasting in another, but a recent update drastically improved the copy / paste functionality across several of their products.

My favorite aspect of this update is the ability to copy cells from Spreadsheets and paste them directly into Gmail (while using keyboard shortcuts, of course!). The formatting stays the same (you may notice some inconsistencies in the video, this is just due to the size of the compose window) which can save you tons of time.

If you’re interested in sending information from a Google Spreadsheet, this update can definitely cut down on time, compared to your recipient having to open a Spreadsheet. I recommend using this in instances when you’re sharing just a few cells, rather than data from an entire Spreadsheet.

The best way to take advantage of this new update is by using the basic copy / paste keyboard shortcuts:

To Copy – CTRL (command for Macs) + C

To Paste – CTRL (command for Macs) + V

We cover some other great use cases of the new update in this video, and there are definitely others that we didn’t have time to cover (or haven’t discovered yet). If you’ve stumbled upon some other aspects of the update, let us know in the comments below!

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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