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An Easy Way to Expand Your Vocabulary: Learn a New Word in Each Chrome Tab

2 minute read

Chrome Blue

Callow. Firebrand. Harangue. Excoriate. Schadenfreude. Sangfroid. Do you know what these words mean?

With the Magoosh Chrome extension, you learn a new word in every new Chrome tab you open. The interface is super simple, making learning new words very easy–you’ll learn new words without even thinking about it. The words come from Magoosh’s list of the 1,000 most important GRE words, so this is great for students who are studying for the GRE, GMAT, SAT, etc. And of course, it’s also just fun for people who love words and want to improve and expand their vocabularies.

  • Head to the Chrome Web Store and search for Magoosh Vocabulary. Click the Free button button to install it.
  • Using it is simple as opening a new tab. You’ll be presented with a new word in every new tab. You can click the play button to hear how it’s pronounced.



  • You’ll see what part of speech it is, as well as a definition of the word. You’ll also see an example of it being used in a sentence. With each new tab you open, you’ll continuously expand your vocabulary.



Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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