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Custom Headers for Google Sites

< 1 minute read

Customizing your site header can make the look of your site seem more professional and neat. You can brand it according to your company’s needs. Follow these steps to change and edit your own site header:

  1. Click on the “more” button and choose manage site.
  2. Click on “themes, colours, and fonts”. Click on Site header, make sure “background” is highlighted and click on the image icon.
  3. Upload the image from your desktop. Best is to make it the same size as the site to make it fit well. (I tend to stick with 960px as it looks good on most computer screens.)
  4. Once it has uploaded, click on options (toward the right). Here you can decide if you would like it to repeat or just show as one image, you can also choose the alignment for both vertical and horizontal positions.
  5. Click save and return to the site.
  6. You may notice that the site header is cut off. To make it the correct height click on the “more” button, and then select “edit site layout”.
  7. Click on the header (you will see it blanks out when you hover your mouse over it). Here you can also turn off your company’s logo by selecting no logo.
  8. Above that you can choose the height by clicking in this box and adding the pixel height. Play around with the height until you get the right look.

Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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