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Create Fillable Text Boxes in Google Docs

3 minute read

Docs Blue

If you’ve ever tried to make a worksheet or form in Google Docs, you’ve probably created lines for people to enter their information on. But all too often, this:

Name: __________________

turns to this:

Name: ______Hermione Granger______

When people fill it out, it leaves information floating between underscores. We’ll show you how to create fillable text boxes in Docs so that people can neatly and easily enter in their information.


  • In Google Docs, Head up to Table > Insert table > select a 2×1 table.



  • Resize the first cell until it fits neatly around your text.


  • Click on the small arrow in the upper-right hand corner of the cell. This allows you to select what kind of border you’d like. Select the outer border (on all sides) option.


  • Head to the line thickness menu, and set the border width to 0pt.



  • In the second cell (where you want the answer to go), select the small arrow. Select the outer border once again.


  • Head back to the line thickness menu and select a thickness of 1pt. 



  • And there you go! You now have neat and fillable text boxes that people can use.


  • You can also use this trick if you want to place a larger box under a longer question. In that case, just type out the question, then hit enter to move to the next line. Create a 1X1 table. You don’t need to do any formatting except resizing the box to the appropriate size for people to enter their answers in.



Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

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