SaaS Updates Summary: April 5 – April 9
April 12, 2021
< 1 minute read
Not the busiest week in terms of Google Workspace updates. But alas, Google is updating its Workspace storage timeline (you’re getting extra time before a whole bunch of files start counting against it). Plus, new app access control to help you restrict third-party API access. Neat, right? You’ll find more details in the links.
Restrict Third-Party API Access to Google Workspace and End User Data With New App Access Control
Google Workspace Updates | You can now block all third-party API access to Google Workspace data with a new setting. This compliments other available OAuth settings which help you control which third-party & internal apps access Google Workspace data. When selected, all third-party apps are denied access to Workspace and end user data, blocking all OAuth 2.0 scopes.
Changes to Google Workspace Storage Policies Timeline
Google Workspace Updates | Google is extending the previously announced timeframe for upcoming changes to the Google Workspace storage policy. On February 1, 2022, any newly created Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, or Jamboard files will count toward storage. Existing files within these products will not count toward storage, unless they’re modified on or after February 1, 2022.
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